el 31 de agosto – Soruco (kister plans below

  1. Colores, colores song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsRKoZGaoEM&t=75s
  2. Review basic questions and color questions
  3. https://doctorakister.edublogs.org/files/2021/08/geog-y-people-3-1.pptx – Review hw with power point
  4. En grupos de dos….¿De que color es____?
    1. la nieve
    2. la calabaza
    3. el murciélago
    4. el elefante
    5. el corazón
    6. la banana
    7. el oceano
    8. el sol
    9. el chocolate
    10. Barney el dinosaurio
    11. la planta
    12. las rosas (3)
    13. las uvas (3)
    14. el eso panda (2)
    15. la bandera americana (3)
  5. In twos…Practice colors with cards and items from previous activity
  6. la tarea = estudiar los colores and bring 21 blank index cards

For Dr. Kister’s Class

  1. Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiNFXntWOJw
  2. Review la tarea and colors
  3. Discuss los sinónimos and las mezclas, los colores primarias y secundarias
  4. Practice in 2s – Questions with mezclas, colores primerios/secundarios
  5. Question with PowerPoint
  6. La tarea = Study colors and bring 21 blank index cards

el 30 de agosto – For Soruco

  1. Song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiNFXntWOJw
  2. Review basic questions
  3. Review colors
  4. Question with PowerPoint
  5. Review color song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jf5WnqcePQ
  6. Sing color song as class
  7. Discuss los sinónimos and las mezclas, los colores primarias y secundarias
  8. Practice in 2s – Questions with mezclas, colores primerios/secundarios
  9. La tarea = write out full sentence answers to one of the slides above

El 30 de agosto – Kister (plans with sub)

  1. Two sided worksheet.
  2. Take out color cards and practice individually or in 2s

el 27 de agosto

  1. Listen to color song
  2. Discuss colors and color favorito (with repaso Pwr pt) https://doctorakister.edublogs.org/files/2021/08/repaso-de-color.pptx
  3. Play kahoot with class https://play.kahoot.it/v2/?quizId=347e5985-8016-4de4-935b-de60448e19e7
  4. Write this vocab/definitions in the margins (next to crayons) on page 1
    1. Me gusta = I like
    2. el mejor color = the best color
    3. ¿Sabes por qué? = Do you know why?
    4. Es porque = it’s because
  5. Now listen to the following song
  6. Practice colors with cards ¿Qué color es?
  7. La Tarea= 2 – 4 (start in class and finish for hw)

el 26 de agosto

  1. Song review
  2. Country/Capital and Geog quiz – link to be provided soon.
  3. Intro a los colores
  4. ¿Cuál es tu color favorito? Mi color favorito es ________
    • ¿Cuál es su color favorito? Su color favorito es __________________.
  5. La tarea = Do color index cards, color front page, and bring colored pencils to class

el 18 de agosto

  1. Listen to the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMe8ngqR86k&t=2s
    • Why do his expressions look a bit different?
  2. Listen to this song…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3KbP2OEbW4
    • Translate –
    • Maestro, ¿puedo ir al baño?
    • Yo necesito ir al baño.
    • Es una emergencia.
    • Y ya hice (already did) la tarea.
  3. TPR practice
  4. PowerPoint practice https://doctorakister.edublogs.org/files/2021/08/expresiones-1.pptx
  5. Practice cards in groups of two
  6. Class hangman with expressions and alfabeto español
  7. La tarea = practice flashcards, matching, concentration, and wordsearch with the following QUIA link for at least 25 minuteshttps://www.quia.com/jg/3178594.html